1st March 2017:
Hamad Medical Corporation Qatar (HMC) has won the prestigious Top Hospital Award in Quality Improvement and Patient Safety during the awards ceremony of the 18th annual forum of the Arab Hospitals Federation (AHF) – MEDHEALTH – which was held in Cairo from 28 February to 1 March.
The award was received on behalf of HMC by Ali Abdulla Al Khater, Chief Communications Officer at HMC and Mohamad Mubarak Al Noimi, HMC’s Chief of Staff. He is also Head of HMC Managing Director’s Office and member of the Executive Board of the Arab Hospitals Federation.
The award was presented by Minister of Health of Egypt, Dr. Ahmed Emad Al Din Rady, and the Arab Hospital Federation General Secretary Prof. Tawfik Khoja.
Ministry of Public Health of Qatar also was awarded ‘Excellence Award for Health Awareness in 2017’. The award was received on behalf of the Ministry by Dr. Saleh Ali Al Marri, Assistant Secretary General for Medical Affairs at the Ministry of Public Health and Mohamad Mubarak Al Noimi, Head of the Health Minister’s Office.
HMC winning of the prestigious Quality Improvement& Patient Safety Award, AHF recognized HMC’s commitment to ensuring the highest international standards in healthcare delivery in Qatar, as well as its continuous efforts to improve patient safety across its network of hospitals and healthcare facilities.
Ali Abdullah Al Khater, Head of HMC delegation to MEDHEALTH said the award came as an acknowledgement of HMC’s efforts to ensure patient safety and improve the quality of its services.
“We are honored to have received this award by the Arab Health Federation, being the official body that includes all Arab hospitals under the umbrella of the Arab League. The award reflects HMC’s regional leadership in the important field of quality improvement in healthcare,” Al Khater said.
Al Khater thanked the Arab Hospitals Federation for the award and recognition and reaffirmed HMC’s commitment to delivering the safest, most effective and most compassionate care to each and every one of its patients.
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